aquello que nos proporciona bienestar a nosotros mismos y a nuestro entorno


-TE a lo largo del camino del desarrollo de la plena consciencia y la profundización en su práctica, dándote alas para que puedas acompañar


amando lo que hacemos, conectando con nuestras aspiraciones y lo que es importante


We walk along with persons families, educational centers,organizations and enterprises on the path to grow with full awareness, integrating mindfulness attitude and practices in our lives and jobs.


“One of the disciplines I am passionate for is to integrate body, mind and heart through mindfulness practices, the integration of full awareness in my day by day, in order to be a better person, better mother, colleague and approach with openess life ups and downs.”



Mindful Movement online LIVE

Mindful Movement online LIVE

Join this 40 minute on-line LIVE mindful movement sessions (yoga, other disciplines and mindfulness meditation) to strengthen your body and mind. “One of the disciplines I am passionate for is to integrate body, mind and heart through mindfulness practices, the

Mindfulness online adultos

Mindfulness Guided Meditations on-line LIVE

Join this 30 minute on-line LIVE mindfulness meditation sessions to cultivate body-mind-and-heart awareness and integrate this practice in your daily life. “One of the requirements to be able to integrate mindfulness in daily life, is the frequent practice, daily and



Cultivation and perseverance of a daily practice and attitude are the base of mindfulness and full awareness integration in our day to day life. The word “meditation” in other languages where this contemplative practice has its base means “cultivation” and


MBSR – Official Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction Program

Join a life experience, 8 week program “MBSR”, to learn a new way to relate yourself to the “unwanted”, “undesired” and integrate full awareness in your daily life, in a deep and consistent manner. Now on-line. The MBSR (Mindfulness-Based Stress



Certainly it has been an amazing journey all these sessions I have struggled a lot with myself on regards making the time and being open to listen and change. Simple phrases from these sessions have changed me a lot in a short time. Compassion and self-compassion sessions have taught me from where the negative thoughts come from and how to release myself from them, even though when I haven't achieved it, I know that I'm on track now. Body scan and anchor attention showed me the way to stay calm when it seems impossible. It has helped me to understand those feelings that tend to disturb me during the daily life cause by the "regular" stress that we are all exposed to. Now I feel like I have more tools to understand and be better person and take better decisions. Before starting the sessions I have noticed sometimes that I can make a lot of excuses to not join but I'm happy that in all of those I have showed up and the feeling afterwards is just great. I have practiced the exercises a few times every week and I see some differences although I know there is more to work on. I can only say Thanks for the great sessions.

Cindy Nokia project manager

It has helped me becoming a better person, through being more kind to myself so thus to others. I am also more aware of my feelings when in conversation, and can keep better focus on the present people.

Sanjay Nokia manager

I learned especially that I almost never _really_ take the time to listen to myself, and provide myself the attention that I deserve and need. Especially the anchor helps me finding a basis, and as ‘anchor’ always being there. Past 3 months have been very emotional and ‘heavy’ for me and my family due to a couple of bigger and smaller things that happened. Olga’s openness and always having an open, non-judgemental and friendly attitude are very inspiring.

Eva Nokia manager

Being present has impacted the way I work, I am trying to reduce multitasking and finding out I enjoy concentrating and getting more done with better quality

Matti Nokia manager

LEARN ABOUT OUR AUDIO RESOURCE PAGE! Find here guided mindfulness and compassion meditation practices