I would like to share with you these mindfulness and compassion meditation audios, which are a sample and I wish they could help you to:
- bring your attention to the present moment, here and now
- attend your bodily sensations and perceptions
- focus and concentrate your attention
- explore difficulties in a close manner, with kindness and awareness
- explore thoughts and emotions in a different way
- treat yourself with kindness and care
- get closer to yourself, with wisdom and compassion
I hope you enjoy them, you can write me with your reflections, whether they support you, you wish for short, long to info@crecimientomindful.com.
You can download here the Guide on “How to initiate in mindfulness meditation practice”.
During March 2021 one meditation will be added per week!
Mindfulness meditation Attention to Sounds – 12 minutes
This meditation is recommended to be done sitting on a chair or cushion, but if you wish you can also make it lying down if you do not feel too tired and feel you could be awake. The intention of this practice is first to bring attention to the sensations of your own body, its structure, touch, to get a settlement of your attention in the present moment and then continue with the proposal to consciously bring attention to sounds. As you intend to hold your attention to body and sounds, you may realize that the mind wanders very often, towards thoughts, narratives, images. It is then proposed to bring your mind back with kindness, without judgment and determination towards what you are exploring. As many times as you need it.
Body Scan Mindfulness meditation – 16 minutes
We recommend doing this meditation lying down, but if it is not possible or comfortable for you, you can perform it sitting on a chair or cushion. The intention of this practice is to bring attention to bodily sensations and perceptions in different parts of your own body, following the proposed guide and flow. No need to expect anything. What can happen? The most normal thing is that the mind wanders, that’s what the mind usually does most of the time. It is then proposed to bring your mind back with kindness, without judgment and with determination towards the part of the body that is explored at that given time. As many times as you need it.
Focused Attention Mindfulness meditation – 16 minutes
This meditation can be done sitting on a chair or cushion or also lying down, depending on how comfortable it is for you and considering you feel awake. The intention of this practice is to bring attention first to bodily sensations and then in a second phase with focus on an object. This is a practice that develops concentration and sustained attention. What can happen? As in previous practice the most normal thing is that the mind wanders, that is what the mind usually does most of the time. It is then proposed to bring your mind back with kindness, without judgment and determination towards the phenomenon you are exploring. As many times as you need it.
Compassion and Self-Compassion practice – 13 minutes
This meditation can be done sitting or lying down, in the way that you find yourself most comfortable. The intention of the practice is to connect with feelings of acceptance, strength, compassion, self-appreciation, and courage within you. This meditation has three phases, a few minutes of anchoring in the body and at place familiar to you for focusing, to prepare and sustain attention; a phase of connecting with a compassion reference for you and another phase of self-compassion, of offering to yourself, your own self-appreciation and respect.
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